How To Get Your Dental Implants At Lower Costs

Has your dentist told you you need a dental implant? Your first question was probably if Medicare covers dental implants? Unfortunately, they don’t. This means you have to look for alternative ways to get your dental implant bills settled. Well, before you can understand the costs, you have to know the dental implants options available.


Types of dental implants

There are three types of dental implants. They are:

● Endosteal: This type of dental implant is the most common. It involves placing the implant in your jawbone. The implants have a screw-like shape.

After they heal with the gum (this takes about 3-4 months), the abutment is placed on the implant, which attaches the new tooth (known as the crown) to the implant.

● Subperiosteal: Dentists use this method when you don’t have enough natural jawbone to support the implant. Instead of placing the implant in the jaw, it is placed on the jawbone instead (just under the gum).

● Zygomatic: This method is quite rare and is another alternative for patients who do not have natural jawbone to support the implant. The implant is placed on the cheek in this case.

If your jawline cannot support implants at all or any of these procedures does not enamor you, there are other ways to fortify your jawbone. This way, the crowns can be placed directly on your jawbone. Examples of these procedures include:

● Bone Augmentation: This involves the use of natural additives to grow your jawbone back. This is the common method, but it might take a while.

● Sinus Lift: This method involves placing some bone just below your sinus. Dentists recommend this method when the natural bone has deteriorated beyond repair. It is also known as sinus elevation or sinus augmentation.

● Ridge Expansion: Patients who have a narrow jawline use this method. This method involves placing some bone-like material in a space created in your jawline. This way, the jawline is widened.

How to lower your dental implant costs

This is a critical topic for most people, as these implants cost thousands of dollars in developed countries. Here are a few ways to cut down your dental implant costs:

Dental tourism: For those living in developed countries, the costs for dental implants are expectedly high.

The dentist also has to pay bills and keep his business afloat. Therefore, most people resort to traveling to developing countries to get their dental implants fixed.

Apart from the higher value the currencies in developed countries has compared to other currencies, the costs of living in these countries will not be as high as in developed countries.

Therefore, the dentists will charge lower fees to fix your dental implants.

However, you should make sure the dentist you intend to use is certified, so you will not end up in a worse dental state than you were before getting the implant.

Dental discount plans: One of the common ways people save money on the cost of their dental implants (without having to leave their country) is by subscribing to dental discount plans.

These plans can knock off up to 60% of your dental implant bills. However, you have to use a dentist affiliated with your dental discount network.

Use dental schools: This is another method that allows you to knock off hundreds of dollars off your dental implant bills.

Many dental schools provide programs for their newly graduated students to test their skills with different procedures like dental implants.

Even though this will save you money, you should know it might take a while before you finally get it done.

There is always a waiting list, and you might have to get multiple sessions before they complete the whole procedure.

If you’re still interested in getting Medicare supplement plans with 100% dental coverage, you might shop around for some Medicare Advantage plans that do this. However, they are tough to find.