Lift Chair Options for Seniors Covered by Medicare
As people age, it becomes more difficult to do simple things that were once taken for granted, such as getting out of a chair. A power lift chair, on the other hand, can be an excellent investment for seniors who value their independence and want to do as much on their own as possible.
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If you have Medicare Coverage and believe you would benefit from a lift chair recliner, there is some important information you should be aware of. The lift chair or seat-lift chair’s motorized lift mechanism is a Medicare-covered item. If you qualify, Medicare may cover up to 80% of the approved amount for the seat lift mechanism, but you must also purchase your lift chair from a Medicare-enrolled equipment supplier.
Choosing the right lift chair can be difficult, so here’s a breakdown of what these chairs can offer and what to look for when purchasing one. Take a look at these superb Lift Chairs for Seniors that come with coverage and get yourself mobile again.